Page:Frank Spearman--Whispering Smith.djvu/139

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Cache and meet him somewhere near South Mission Pass.”

“Gordon, would it do any good to ask a few questions?”

“Ask as many as you like, my dear boy, but don’t be disappointed if I can’t answer them. I can look wise, but I don’t know anything. You know what we are up against. This fellow has grown a tiger among the wolves, and he has turned the pack loose on us. One thing I ask you to do. Don’t expose yourself at night. Your life isn’t worth a coupling-pin if you do.”

McCloud raised his hand. “Take care of yourself. If you are murdered in this fight I shall know I got you in and that I am to blame.”

“And suppose you were?” Smith had risen from his chair. He had few mannerisms, and recalling the man the few times I have seen him, the only impression he has left on me is that of quiet and gentleness. “Suppose you were?” He was resting one arm on top of McCloud’s desk. “What of it? You have done for me up here what I couldn’t do, George. You have been kind to Marion when she hadn’t a friend near. You have stood between him and her when I couldn’t be here to do it, and when she didn’t want me to—helped her when I hadn’t the privilege of doing it.” McCloud put up his hand in protest, but it was