Page:Frank Spearman--Whispering Smith.djvu/16

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    1. XVII. A Test 155
    2. XVIII. New Plans 162
    3. XIX. The Crawling Stone Rise 169
    4. XX. At the Dike 179
    5. XXI. Supper in Camp 197
    6. XXII. A Talk with Whispering Smith 207
    7. XXIII. At the River 217
    8. XXIV. Between Girlhood and Womanhood 225
    9. XXV. The Man on the Frenchman 242
    10. XXVI. Tower 256
    11. XXVII. Pursuit 262
    12. XXVIII. The Sunday Murder 271
    13. XXIX. Williams Cache 281
    14. XXX. The Fight in the Cache 292
    15. XXXI. The Death of Du Sang 305
    16. XXXII. McCloud and Dicksie 312
    17. XXXIII. The Laugh of a Woman 320
    18. XXXIV. A Midnight Visit 327
    19. XXXV. The Call 334
    20. XXXVI. Duty 340
