Page:Frank Spearman--Whispering Smith.djvu/172

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TWO nights later Whispering Smith rode into Medicine Bend. “I’ve been up around Williams Cache,” he said, answering McCloud’s greeting as he entered the upstairs office. “How goes it?” He was in his riding rig, just as he had come from a late supper.

When he asked for news McCloud told him the story of the trouble with Lance Dunning over the survey, and added that he had referred the matter to Glover. He told then of his unpleasant surprise when riding home afterward.

“Yes,” assented Smith, looking with feverish interest at McCloud’s head; “I heard about it.”

“That’s odd, for I haven’t said a word about the matter to anybody but Marion Sinclair, and you haven’t seen her.”

“I heard up the country. It is great luck that he missed you.”

“Who missed me?”

“The man that was after you.”

“The bullet went through my hat.”