Page:Frank Spearman--Whispering Smith.djvu/216

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Whispering Smith

broke it: “I can put the hundred men there at daylight, Gordon, if Miss Dunning and her cousin want them,” said McCloud.

Marion sprang to her feet. “Oh, will you do that, Mr. McCloud?”

McCloud looked at Dicksie. “If they are wanted.”

Dicksie tried to look at the fire. “We have hardly deserved help from Mr. McCloud at the ranch,” she said at last.

He put out his hand. “I must object. The first wreck I ever had on this division Miss Dunning rode twenty miles to offer help. Isn’t that true? Why, I would walk a hundred miles to return the offer to her. Perhaps your cousin would object,” he suggested, turning to Dicksie; “but no, I think we can manage that. Now what are we going to do? You two can’t go back to-night, that is certain.”

“We must.”

“Then you will have to go in boats,” said Whispering Smith.

“But the hill road?”

“There is five feet of water across it in half a dozen places. I swam my horse through, so I ought to know.”

“It is all back-water, of course, Miss Dunning,” explained McCloud. “Not dangerous.”