Page:Frank Spearman--Whispering Smith.djvu/324

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Whispering Smith

“No, but I’m an officer, Du Sang. I’ll see to the papers; I want you for murder.”

“So they tell me. Well, you’re after the wrong man. But I’ll go with you; I don’t care about that.”

“Neither do I, Du Sang; and as you have some friends along, I won’t break up the party. They may come, too.”

“What for?”

“For stopping a train at Tower W Saturday night.”

The three men looked at one another and laughed.

Du Sang with an oath spoke again: “The men you want are in Canada by this time. I can’t speak for my friends; I don’t know whether they want to go or not. As far as I am concerned, I haven’t killed anybody that I know of. I suppose you’ll pay my expenses back?”

“Why, yes, Du Sang, if you were coming back I would pay your expenses; but you are not coming back. You are riding down Williams Cache for the last time; you’ve ridden down it too many times already. This round-up is especially for you. Don’t deceive yourself; when you ride with me this time out of the Cache, you won’t come back.”

Du Sang laughed, but his blinking eyes were as