Page:Frank Spearman--Whispering Smith.djvu/449

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Doctor Bryson

12mo. $1.50

"A good, ingenious story is this, full of a quality of life peculiarly Chicagoan, of wholesome manhood and womanhood, of success wrested from the jaws of defeat that we like to think is Chicago's own brand. . . . As the story of a strong, brilliant man's struggles and successes 'Doctor Bryson' is decidedly a success."—Chicago Record- Herald.

"Told in a breezy manner, as a Chicago story may properly be told. The book belongs to that class of books which will not let you put them down until you have read every line."—Boston Transcript.

"A love-story full of interest and color. If the love is passionate it is wholesome and splendidly human. Mr. Spearman has put strength and clean human nature into this book in the most admirable fashion."—The Literary Digest.

"The novel is so exceptional in its realism, so absolutely sure and confident and convincing in its treatment, that its clinical episodes will probably be closely scanned and scientifically criticised by the profession. It is a strong, firm, fine piece of work, admirable as a love-story, novel as a picture of Chicago life, and remarkable as a feat of American realism."—Brooklyn Eagle.