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With justice, with candour, our bosoms are warm'd,Our tongues are with truth and sincerity arm'd;We're loyal, we're trusty, we're faithful to thoseWho treat us as friends, and we smile at our foes.And since we're bound, &c.
We bend to the King, to our Sovereign we bend:His throne and his crown we are bound to defend;And when such a King, anda Ruler arise,As Britons, as Masons, we've cause to rejoice.And since we're bound, &c.

O mither, mither, tell to methe way to get a man;I long for to be married now,for troth I'm thinkin' lang:For when to bed I gang for rest,'tis sleep I can get nane.For weary thoughts rin in my head,I canna lie my lane.
Beside I'm wearin' up in years,I'm twenty now and twa;And if I get na ane ere lang,I'll ne'er, get ane ava.These rosy cheeks, sae bonny now,will soon grow pale and wan;What signifies a' warld's gear,when I canna get a man?