Sch. 1
The Authorised Conveyancing Practitioners Board.
The Bank of England, in respect of information held for purposes other than those of its functions with respect to—
- (a) monetary policy,
- (b) financial operations intended to support financial institutions for the purposes of maintaining stability, and
- (c) the provision of private banking services and related services.
The Better Regulation Task Force.
The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.
Any Board of Visitors established under section 6(2) of the 1952 c. 52.Prison Act 1952.
The Britain-Russia Centre and East-West Centre.
The British Association for Central and Eastern Europe.
The British Broadcasting Corporation, in respect of information held for purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature.
The British Coal Corporation.
The British Council.
The British Educational Communications and Technology Agency.
The British Hallmarking Council.
The British Library.
The British Museum.
The British Pharmacopoeia Commission.
The British Potato Council.
The British Railways Board.
British Shipbuilders.
The British Tourist Authority.
The British Waterways Board.
The British Wool Marketing Board.
The Broadcasting Standards Commission.
The Building Regulations Advisory Committee.
The Central Advisory Committee on War Pensions.
The Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work (UK).
The Central Rail Users’ Consultative Committee.
The Channel Four Television Corporation, in respect of information held for purposes other than those of journalism, art or literature.
The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service.
The Civil Aviation Authority.
The Civil Justice Council.
The Civil Procedure Rule Committee.
The Civil Service Appeal Board.
The Civil Service Commissioners.
The Coal Authority.
The Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment.
The Commission for Health Improvement.
The Commission for Local Administration in England.
The Commission for Local Administration in Wales.
The Commission for Racial Equality.