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hands were buſied at his work; the man by his ear, (his back being towards her) being informed of ſomebody's approach, ſuddenly ſtarted up, and, ſeeing his beautiful lady near him, was a little ſurpriſed, and would have retired, to give her the more freedom in her walks, but he prevented him by ſaying, 'Bernard, pray do not let me hinder you in your buſineſs; I come on purpoſe to obſerve your dexterity in gardening; I ſee you mind it with a juſt diligence though your Lord is abſent'. 'Madam', (replied he) 'I beg your Ladyſhip's pardon, in that I tell you, I am no eye-ſervant, as well knowing, I muſt give an account to God, as well as to man, if I am negligent in what I promiſe to perform, and am intraſted with.' Deidamia ſtood ſurpriſed at the man's plain, but ingenuous reply; and changing ſomewhat the manner of her diſcourſe, aſked him divers queſtions about the virtues, natures, qualities, and productions of flowers and plants, &c.; in all which he ſatisfied her to her admiration ; by which, ſhe perceived him better learned in the myſteries of nature, than ſhe expected from cne of his profeſſion. And to be brief, ſhe often held ſuch innocent converſation with him, when at any time ſhe fonnd him buſy in the garden, being much delighted to hear hin diſcourſe, how much of the wiſdom and goodneſs of God might be learned from the works of creation; for he had a particular faculty of ſpiritualizing his employment, and making his buſineſs ſerve like Jacob's ladder, to carry him from earth to heaven. Which ſometimes cauſed her to reflect that this man was ſomething more than he appeared to be, (in which indeed ſhe was not much miſtaken) ſo that entertaining a good opinion of him, ſhe ordered his lodging to be
