at a door that opened into it from her apartment; and to ſkreen the better what ſhe intended, from prying eyes, took divers turns, and gathered poſies of flowers; then fanning herſelf, as if the heat offended her, and paſſing many winding alleys, overſpread with pleaſant ſhades, ſhe came to the beforementioned arbour, and again ſurpriſed the Gardener in his meditations: the man was not under any conſternation at her coming, but riſing and bowing low, would have departed, out of good manners, to give her the ſole freedom of that pleaſant bower: but ſhe laid her commands on him to ſtay, ſaying, ſhe had conſidered of his former diſcourſe, and had made it her buſineſs to find him out, that he might give her ſome better reaſon for the opinion he held, than yet he had done.
His modeſty and the humble thoughts he conceived of himſelf, would ſcarce give him leave to ſit down, though ſhe often commanded him ſo to do; but at laſt he complied, and then ſhe aſked him, upon what ground and foundation the baſis of his religion was fixed?
Gardener. It is founded on the ſcriptures of the Old and New Teſtaments, which were written by men inſpired by the Holy Ghoſt, and given for our instruction and learning; it is only the word of God that can warrant the truth of any profeſſion in religious matters; and that we Proteſtants (through God's aſſiſtance) labour to conform and live up to.
Deidamia. Ay, but you may be miſtaken in the miſinterpreting the ſcripture, and fall into groſs hereſies, as our church charges you; and therefore has strictly forbid the laity of our communion to meddle with them, leſt, like weapons put into the hands of idoits, or mad-