which the church is built. Scripture is the beſt interpreter: it is not Peter, but Chriſt, that is the foundation of the church, as here in my Bible you may ſee, by the xxviiith chap. and 16th verſe of Iſaiah, compared with 1 Peter ii. 6, 7, 8.; which you may pleaſe to read, (which ſhe did.) It is moreover expreſsly ſaid, 1 Cor. iii. 11. 'Other foundations can no man lay, than that is laid, which is Jeſus Chriſt.' And this is the more conſiderable, becauſe he ſpeaks against thoſe that made the apoſtles to be the foundation, ſaying, 'I am of Paul, another of Apollos, or Cephas;' and if this is ſpoke of Peter, no more is ſaid of him here, than is ſpoke of all the prophets and apoſtles, Eph. ii. 20. 'Ye are built apon the foundation of the apoſtles and prophets, Jeſus Chriſt himſelf being the chief corner ſtone.'
Deid. Well, I am not much learned in this myſtery, but, pray, What as erroneous can you aſſign in our worſhip, or any other thing the church holds as abſolutely neceſſary?
Gard. The paying divine adoration to angels and ſaints, expreſsly contrary to God's commands, and derogatory to his honour, who alone ought to be worſhipped in heaven and earth; and to worſhip any other, either ſaint or angel, or any creature, is idolatry, and a breach of the ſecond commandment.
Deid. Nay, not too haſtily; we do not worhip the angels and ſaints as God, with the higheſt worship, which is only proper to God; but with an inferior kind of religious worſhip, that they may preſent our ſupplications to him.
Gard. There is no interceſſor or mediator but Chriſt Jeſus, who is appointed to perform that office; James i. 5. 'If any of you lack wiſdom,