ſerved the looſe and profane manner of living of thoſe that profeſs our religion; alledging, That a confeſſion, with abſolution, and ſome other works, will purge them from their ſins, and gain them that bleſſedneſs in the end, which I could never heartily believe they would obtain by them: and ſince I have more ſeriouſly conſidered God's word expreſsly to the contrary, I cannot believe that any thing but ſincere and unfeigned repentance, in the courſe of an unſpotted life, can purchaſe, (through the merits of my Saviour) thoſe glorious and tranſcendant bleſſings that God hath promiſed to poor mortals.—She would have proceeded, but the falling tears ſtopped her utterance; and Bernard had an inward rejoicing to ſee her brought to this paſs. Whereupon he comforted her with good advice, and the cordials of God's mercies and promiſes. In brief, he had made her ſenſible of the errors ſhe had been brought up in, and then opened, from point to point, the cheat of pretended miracles and relics; the impoſing on people with pardon and indulgence to get money; the whoredoms, murders, and inceſts of many popes, cardinals, and prelates of the Romiſh church; their unreaſonableneſs in prohibiting prieſts' marriage, which is immediately appointed by God; and the allowing them by canons and decrees, the embraces of concubines or to commit adultery, expreſsly contrary to the command of the Almighty: Foraſmuch as he has exprefsly ſaid, 'Thoſe that do theſe things ſhall not inherit eternal life.'—He would have proceeded; but, hearing the ſound of feet coming up ſtairs, ſhe haſtened him down a backway, with ſo much precipitation, that he left his Bible behind him: which ſhe, luckily ſeeing, locked up in a scrutoir.
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