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make her Lord ſenſible of it, he would, through the favour of Almighty God, concur with her in her opinion.

Antonio, finding himſelf diſappointed in his main expectation, and thoroughly nettled with this anſwer, particularly the concluſion of it, went away, threatening and muttering to himſelf, and in the anti-chamber met Fronovius, who, upon later notice, was haſtening to him; to whom he told all he had ſeen and heard. This made them conſult to take new meaſures; and, in concluſion, reſolved her chaſtity, or life, ſhould be ſacrificed to their revenge. This was no ſooner concluded on, but Antonio remembered that paper he had taken up; and, taking it out of his pocket, knew it to be the Gardener's hand, and, at firſt, ſuppoſed it to be a love-letter, that might diſcover the intrigue between him and his lady, was highly pleaſed; but he had ſcarce read it half over, ere he found ſuch weighty arguments againſt the church of Rome, levelled ſo directly againſt her tottering foundation, as not only puzzled his underſtanding, but made him ſtorm at a ſtrange rate; whereupon Fronovius took it out of his hand, and read the reſt, and in the cloſe, theſe words, viz. Virtuous lady, theſe arguments, pro et contra, I ſubmit to your great wiſdom, being very joyful, in having, under God, been a poor inſtrument in enlighteniug your underſtanding to diſcern truth from falſehood.

This left them no longer in doubt, who the party was, that (as they termed it) had induced her to apoſtatize, and become an heretic, and, for this, conſequently, to enjoy favours ſhe denied to them; whereupon they vowed a bloody revenge. But fearing that the love Alanſon
