bravery and good ſervice) readily conſented, and as ordered his commiſſion to be ſent to him; which was done accordingly. When Alanſon received this commiſſion from the purſuivant who brought it, he gave him a generous reward for his pains; but was not very well pleaſed, either with the new honour his Majeſty had given him, nor with his kinſman's too officious kindneſs in procuring it becauſe it put him under a neceſſity of parting from his lady, which gave him a very ſenſible diſpleaſure: but knowing that by his commiſſion he was engaged too far for a retreat, his care was how to make his Deidamia as eaſy as he could: and therefore, calling her to take a turn with him in the garden, and leading her into an arbour covered with a jeſſamine, he thus began to tell her the unwelcome news that had been brought him. My deareft Deidamia let me conjure you not to be troubled at what I am now going to tell you, but if you will oblige me, do it by ſhewing your reſolution and fortitude of mind; and yet, I cannot but own, that our reſolves, like little heaps of ſand, are quickly brought to nothing; but the decrees of Heaven, like the foundations of the earth, are fixed for ever. It was in this very arbour, my deareſt Deidamia, that I reſolved to ſtay at home with thee, and not return to the campaign in Flanders: and I appeal to him who knows my heart, how firmly I intended; but ſee here, how I am forced againſt my will to break my reſolution; (and with that ſhewed her the commiſſion the king had ſent him to be colonel of the regiment of Picardy) and now you ſee, my Deidamia, the neceſſity that lies upon me to leave you for a time; but though our bodies be divided, we will have one ſoul and love, whilſt Provi-