Page:Freud - The history of the psychoanalytic movement.djvu/67

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ORIGINAL ARTICLES Hyperplasia of the Pineal Body. By Howard H. Bell 481 Types of Neurological Cases Seen at a Base Hospital. By John Jenks Thomas 495 A Case of Postero-lateral Sclerosis Following Streptococcus Infection Transmitted to Rabbit as Myelitis. By Edward M. Williams 503 Report of Three Cases of Familial Spastic Paralysis. By C. Eugene Riggs 505 Intentional Hypertonia. By Sidney I. Schwab 510 A Question of Epileptic Dementia with Recovery. By D. A. Thorn 517 SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS AMERICAN NEUROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 523 Summary of Gold Solution Diagnostic Work in Brain Syphilis (Southard) ; Further Contribution to the Treatment of Syphilis of the Nervous System (Sachs, Strauss, and Kaliski) ; Injuries to the Spinal Cord Produced by Modern Warfare (Collins and Craig) ; The Rising Tide of Disabilities Following Trauma and Their Relation to Our Compensation Laws (Sachs) ; (a) Syringoencephalia (Syringoencephalo- myelia) ; () The Function of the Pyramidal Tract (Spiller) ; A Consideration of Some Selected Problems in a Year s Neuro-surgical Service (Sachs and Schwab) ; Preventive Neurology (Dana) ; Notes on the Treatment of Mental Torticollis (Clark) ; Insanity The Physiological, Morphological and Serological Character istics (Ludlum and White) ; Preliminary Report on the Use of the Abderhalden Reaction in Mental Diseases (Cotton, White, and Stevenson) ; The Autolysis of Nitrogenous Compounds in the Blood Serum of General Paralysis and Dementia Prsecox with its Bearing upon the Abderhalden Test (Singer and Quantz) ; The Histology of Selected Areas of the Cerebral Cortex in Dementia Prsecox (Southard). CHICAGO NEUROLOGICAL SOCIETY 543 Head Injuries of Warfare with Special Reference to Lesions of the Superior Longi tudinal Sinus (Royer) ; Case of Multiple Sclerosis with Abdominal Reflexes (Patrick). PERISCOPE American Journal of Insanity. (Vol. LXXI, No. i.) Typhoid Fever with Permanent Memory Defect; The Psychic Factors in Mental Disorder; The Thymus and the Pitui tary in Dementia Prsecox; Mixed States and Atypical Manic-Depressive; Behavior Chart in Mental Diseases; Colloidal Gold and Spinal Fluid (548). Archiv fur Psychiatric und Nervenkrankheiten. (54. Band, i. Heft.) Tribute to E. Hitzig on the Occasion of the Placing of the Hitzig Memorial in the Clinic for Mental and Nervous Disease of Halle; Complete Discussion of a Case of Bilateral Deficiency of the Cerebellum; Familial Dysostosis Beginning at the Time of Puberty; Dangerous Human Types ; The Influence of Operative Measures in Developmental Disturbances of the Brain, Particularly in Epilepsy; Technique of Experiments on the Brain, Particularly on the Optic Thalami; Acute Paranoid Diseases; Adenocarcinoma of the Hypophysis and Progressive Paralysis; A Typical Brain Tumor, with Positive X-ray Findings; Determination of the Capacity of the Cortex and White Substance of the Cerebrum through Planimetric Measurements (551). (2. Heft.) The Forensic Significance of Neurasthenia; The Phases of Mania; Criminality and Exogenous Irritability in Con genital Mental Defect; Experimental Investigations of Lathyrism; Further Investiga tions on the Motor Speech Tracts ; Mental Disorders in Brain Tumor, and their Relation to Diffuse Brain Alterations Caused by the Action of New Growths (553)- (3- Heft.) Mental Disorders in Brain Tumors, and their Relation to the Diffuse Brain Alterations Caused by the Action of New Growths ; The Pathogenesis of the Psychoses in the Light of the Abderhalden Theories ; The Question of the Course of Posterior Root Fibers of the Spinal Cord; Neuroses Following Accidents Caused by Electricity; Pathogenesis and Therapy of Chronic Alcoholism; The Skull Capacity in Mental Diseases; Patho logical Anatomy of Dementia Prsecox; Secondary Degeneration of the Pyramidal Tracts in Porencephalus (554). The Psychoanalytic Review. (Vol. II, Nos. i, 2, 3, 4.) Some General Remarks on the Principles of Pain-Pleasure and of Reality; The Unconscious; The Theory of Psycho analysis ; A Plea for a Broader Standpoint in Psychoanalysis ; ^Technique of Psycho analysis; Contributions to the Psychopathplogy of Everyday Life: Their Relation to Abnormal Mental Phenomena ; The Int egrative Functions of the Nervous System Applied to Some Reactions in Human Behavior and their Attending Psychic Functions ; A Manic- Depressive Episode Representing a Frank Wish-Realization Construction; Psychoana lytic Parallels; Psychoanalysis; The Role of the Sexual Complex in Dementia Praecox; Psycho-Genetics of Androcratic Evolution; Some Studies in the Psychopat hology of Acute Dissociation of the Personality; Psychoanalysis; A Philosophy for Psychoana lysts; Religion and Sex; Some Freudian Contributions to the Paranoia Problem; Trans lation Wishfulfillment and Symbolism in Fairy Tales; Translation The Significance of Psychoanalysis for the Mental Sciences (557). ISCELLANY [Ulnar Nerve Paralysis (567). pOK REVIEWS JMentally Deficient Children: The Treatment and Training; An Introduction to the Study I of the Endocrine Glands and Internal Secretions (568). IIDEX TO VOLUME 44