Page:From Constantinople to the home of Omar Khayyam.djvu/512

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��Perdiccas, theory that the sar- cophagus at Constantinople was

Persia, the granting of a constitu-

Peter the Great, of Russia, added

pilgrims, Moslem, to Mashad, 202, problem of the *Abre i Sol' possible reference to Nishapur by,

Polybius, underground channels for

Poti, former emporium of the Black

Priscus, Byzantine author, refers


Rabino, H. L., British vice consul at Ragha, Rai, Alexander halted five first day's march of Alexander Ras al-Kalb, older Arabic name of

Lasgird, 143, 179^ refuge, place of, at the shrine in Ribat of Anushirvan, at Ahuan, Riza, Imam Muhammad ar-, legend legendary footprint of, at Kad- roofs, barrel-vault style of, at ruins, of a possible fire-temple at of two forts near Aivan-i Kaif, Russians, possession of Baku by obtained possession of Derbent Rustam, combat of, with the Div-i said to have forced Afrasiab to

S combat of Rustam with the Div-i Safid said to have taken place Safar Adilbegh, the author's ser- Sanabad(h), village, now a part of Sapor, see Shapur Sarbadarians, dynasty at Sabzavar, sarcophagus, the so-called, of Alex- ander the Great at Constanti- Sar-Darrah Pass, various names of to be identified with the ancient Nadir Shah checked by the Sasan, the founding of Sabzavar

attributed to, 224^ Scutari, Asiatic section of Con- account of, by Nasir ad-Din, Shadiakh, suburb of Nishapur,

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