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Songs of the Affections, 1840, Page 175


(Numbers xvii. 8.)

Was it the sigh of the southern gale
    That flush'd the almond bough?
Brightest and first the young Spring to hail,
    Still its red blossoms glow.

Was it the sunshine that woke its flowers
    With a kindling look of love?
Oh, far and deep, and through hidden bowers,
    That smile of heaven can rove!

No! from the breeze and the living light
    Shut was the sapless rod;
But it felt in the stillness a secret might,
    And thrill'd to the breath of God.

E'en so may that breath, like the vernal air,
    O'er our glad spirits move;
And all such things as are good and fair,
    Be the blossoms, its track that prove!