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James Allen’s New Work

“From Poverty to Power.”

IN a special manner it may be said that God blesses the author who consecrates his genius to such an uplifting theme as this, “From Poverty to Power.”

He blesses him with a spiritual discernment beyond the ken of the most of men, and then puts a pen into his hand and tells him to tell us all about the truths he sees.

Such a man is James Allen, the author of this book.

Human nature is doing nobly.

Our progress is splendidly inspiring.

Of this there is much evidence; but of all the proofs there is none greater than humanity’s hunger for spiritual food and God’s method of providing that food through such men as Mr. Allen.

There was a time when such books as his would not have been happily received.

Let us rejoice in the birthright of the blessed privilege of living in the Twentieth Century. Its page in history is destined to record the greatest blessings yet given to mankind.

We are standing in the gray of its early dawn.

Many demons which have distressed humanity shall be put down before the evening of the Twentieth Century arrives.

One of them which is destined to be largely if not completely conquered is Poverty.

Mr. Allen is one of the battling braves of our Twentieth Century morning. His weapons are effective, and one of the greatest of them, especially in the fight against the demon just mentioned, is his book “From Poverty to Power.”

Let it go forth and do its work.