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Page:Fugue by Ebenezer Prout.djvu/89

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Chap. IV.]
\relative a { \clef alto \key d \major \time 4/4 \mark \markup \tiny { (VIII.) } r8 a16 b cis8 a d d r cis16 d | e8 cis fis e16 d cis8 a b cis | d4 }

\relative d' { \clef tenor \key g \minor \time 3/4 \partial 2 \mark \markup \tiny { (IX.) } d4 d | bes8 a bes c d bes | ees4 d c | d g, c ~ | c d8 c bes a | bes a g4 }

\relative d' { \key bes \major \time 3/8 \partial 8 \mark \markup \tiny { (X.) } d8 | g g g | e f16 e d c | a'8 a a | f g16 f e d | bes' a g bes a g | a d, cis d e f | g f e a g a | f8 }

\relative a { \clef tenor \key d \minor \time 3/4 \partial 2 \mark \markup \tiny { (XI.) } a4 a | d2 g4 | cis,2 a4 | f' e dis ~ | dis e a, | c d!8 c b c | a4 }

\relative e'' { \key a \minor \time 2/2 \partial 2 \mark \markup \tiny { (XII.) } e2 | f a, | c8 b a2 b8 cis | d e f2 e8 dis | e }

Note.—The greater part of these answers are taken from fugues by Bach. All the more elaborate and difficult ones are from his works; and the trouble involved in finding the proper subjects will be well repaid.