most part, proceeding from some Accident or other, which takes beginning from places, where such great and exorbitant Fires are perpetually kept going.
Nor were this a thing yet so extravagant, and without all President of former times; since even the Smoake and burning of lesse fœtid and noxious Fuell, produc'd an inconvenience so universal, in some Countries of this Mation: Not to mention the complaint which I have heard some parts even of France it self lying South west of England, did formerly make of being infested with Smoakes driven from our Naritime Coasts, which injur'd their Vines in Flower, that it was thought expedient an Act of Parliament should be made purposely to reform it in the seventh year of the Reign of His Majesties Grandfather that now is, which, to take off all prejudice, I shall here recite, as it remains upon Record.
Anno vij. Jacobi Regis.
WHereas, many Inconveniencies are observed to happen in divers Counties of this Realm, by Moore-burnings, and by raising of Fires in Moorish grounds and Mountaneous Countries, for burning of Ling, Heath, Hather, Furres, Gorss, Turffe, Fearn, Whinnes, Broom, and the like, in the Spring time