to various unfortunate circumstances it remained in effect a Zilla school till 1873, when an F.A. class was started. A B.A. class was formed in 1877 and the Provincial school became a first-grade college. It is now one of the three first-grade colleges in the Presidency which are Government institutions, the other two being the Presidency college and the college at Kumbakónam. The high-school classes were discontinued in 1885. The college was affiliated to the University in 1891 in mathematics, physical science and mental and moral philosophy.
The institution is entirely supported from fees and Provincial funds. It is managed by a European Principal (an officer of the Indian Educational Service), who is under the control of the Director of Public Instruction, and its assistant staff consists of three lecturers, all officers of the Provincial Educational Service, six assistant lecturers, three munshis for Telugu, Sanskrit and Hindustani, and a gymnastic instructor. A carpentry class is also attached to it, where the students work out of college hours under the guidance of a qualified mechanic. Its total strength is about 230, of whom some 160 are reading in the F.A., and 70 in the B.A., classes. The fees are Rs. 40 each term for the B.A. course, and Rs. 32 for the F.A. Over 200 of the boys are Bráhmans.
A hostel, rented from private persons, is attached to the college, and in this Bráhman students are boarded and lodged. It is under the direct control of the Principal, assisted by a Superintendent and two members of the college committee, and has a manager who attends to the details of its working. The boarding fees vary from Rs. 7 to Rs. 9 a month, according to the market price of rations, and the building accommodates fifty boys. Arrangements are being made for the construction in the college compound of a hostel for all classes. The students in the college come from the four districts of the Northern Circars, but the majority belong to Gódávari.
The college is endowed with three annual prizes founded in honour of, and called after, respectively, the late Mr.B. H. Young, formerly Executive Engineer of the district, and two former head-lecturers of the college, the late M.R.Rys. Sundara Rao and Subrahmanya Aiyar. Two scholarships are given by M.R.Ry. G. V. Subbarayadu Sastri, at present Assistant Inspector of -Schools, Guntúr Division, in memory of the late M.R.Ry. B. Gavara Rázu, B.A., of this college, after whom they are named. Their value is respectively Rs. 60 and Rs. 30 per annum, and they are given, on the result of