The establishment consists of a Principal and sixteen assistant masters; two Sanskrit, and two Telugu, pandits; two gymnastic instructors; and copy, drawing and music masters. The attendance, according to recent figures, amounts to 487, of whom 39 are reading in the senior, and twelve in the junior, F.A. class. The fees paid vary, according to the class in which the boy is reading, from Rs. 60 per annum for the F.A. classes to Rs. 14 for the first class. The boys come mostly from the adjacent taluks of Cocanada, Rámachandrapuram, Peddápuram and Pithápuram. The hostel buildings completed in 1902 will accommodate 24 boys, who pay twelve annas each per mensem for the use of them. They have not yet boarded there, but a kitchen has recently been built at a cost of Rs. 1,000 to enable them to do so.
Liberal scholarships are given in the college. They amount in all to Rs. 492 a year and vary from Rs. 40 to Rs. 5 per annum according to the class to which they are open. They are tenable for terms varying from two to four years, and are awarded by competitive examinations. They are only open to boys who are too poor to prosecute their studies without pecuniary help; and entrance to the examinations is also subject to certain age limits.