Page:G. B. Lancaster-The tracks we tread.djvu/276

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Chapter XVIII

“I ain’t goin’ ter hev no contagious best man,” said Danny, stolidly. “The boys’ll most on ’em be down ter see us spliced; but I don’t want ’em hoppin’ round wi’ me. We got the stage ter ourselfs on Wednesday, Suse.”

Suse slid her arm round his neck. For twilight was over the bridge spanning Changing Creek, and there were none but the red-eyed dredges upstream to see.

“I don’t care about all the boys,” she said. “But Maiden is to be bridesmaid, an’ so Steve must be best man, Danny.”

“She’d sooner hev Lou, I guess, old lady. They’ve bin pretty thick lately.”

Suse pulled the carefully twisted curl on his forehead.

“I was beginnin’ ter think as I’d taught you somethin’, lad,” she said, “but you got a good long way to go ’fore you pick up the common sense as a gel has by nature.”

“Then I’ll pick up an armful now, while I got the chanst! But Suse—Randal an’ Miss Effie didn’t hev no best man or no bridesmaid.”