Page:G. B. Lancaster-The tracks we tread.djvu/297

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The Tracks We Tread

delirious with glee; and when he kissed the bridesmaid in the quadrilles it was Lou called shame on Steve that he had foregone his right with Suse. Steve hung glowering in a corner, and the Packer cried:

“Do it yerself, Lou, yer beggar!”

Lou’s bold glancing eyes met Maiden’s.

“The next best thing, Maiden,” he said underbreath; and kissed Suse on both hard red cheeks, slid his arm round her waist, and whirled her down the room.

Steve came across to Maiden.

“Are you sparin’ any dances ter-night. Maiden?” he said shortly.

The crimson Lou’s words had called there left Maiden’s face. She flung up her head.

“You’ve been in sech a mighty hurry to ask me,” she said.

“No, I ain’t. I near didn’t ask yer at all. But yer’ll spare me one now. Maiden, fur I’ve suthin’ ter say ter yer?”

Maiden turned on her heel.

“Thanks! I don’t want ter hear it,” she said.

“Would yer ruther I said it ter Lou?”

Maiden glanced at him in sudden fear; at his broad honest face set now in a savageness that Lou had seen there before; at his great height and solid breadth as against Lou’s lithe gracefulness. She shivered a little. Then she put her hand on his arm.