Page:Garb of old Gaul.pdf/6

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The summer it was smiling, all nature round was gay,
While Jenny was attending on auld Robin Gray;
For he was sick at heart, and had nae friend beside,
But only me, poor Jenny, who newly was his bride.

Ah! Jenny, I shall die, he cried, as sure as I had birth,
Then see my poor old bones, I pray, laid into the earth.
And be a widow for my sake a twelvemonth and a day,
And I will leave whate’er belongs to auld Robin Gray.

I laid poor Robin in his grave as decent as I could,
And shed a tear upon his grave, for he was very good;
I took my rock all in my hand, and in my coat I sigh'd,
O wae is me what shall I do, since poor old Robin died.

Search ev'ry part thoughout the land, there’s none like me forlorn;
I’m ready e’en to ban the day that ever I was born;
For Jamie, all I lov’d on earth, ah! he is gone away,
My father dead, my mother dead, and (illegible text) auld Robin Gray.