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In Monthly Parts, Price 2/- net. Parts I. V. in Volume form, with extra matter, IS/, net. The Western Front DRAWINGS BY MUIRHEAD BONE " They illustrate admirably the daily life of the troops under my command." -P.M. SIR DOUGLAS HAIG, K.T. SOME RECENT PRESS NOTICES : " It is a matter for thankfulness that the authorities were able to secure the services of so distinguished an artist as Mr. Muirhead Bone to depict for us the conditions in the war zone of the Western Front. To give not only the thing seen but the spirit lying within it, that is the province of the imagina- tive and selective artist. And that is what Mr. Bone has done with a measure of success that almost defies exaggerated praise. He brings to his task the technique of a master and the vision of a true artist." Daily Telegraph. " Mr. Muirhead Bone has clearly justified the action of H.M. Government in employing him as an official artistic chronicler of the greatest of all wars." Burlington Magazine. "Mr. Muirhead Bone's vigorous drawings of the toil and moil of British warfare and all its circumstantial splendour and squalor stand in no further need of commendation. . . . It is a noble and enduring achievement. . . . These two drawings alone assure Lieutenant Bone's place among the immortals." Morning Post. " Mr. Bone's drawings convey an extraordinary idea of the abomination and desolation caused by shell lire." Field. " The drawings are of endless interest in their subjects and excite a natural wonder at the artist's remarkable fertility and versatility. It is impossible to overestimate the value of these drawings as a record of the actualities of the war."- Scotsman. " The selection of Mr. Bone is triumphantly justified by his terrific Tank drawing, which no one's romantic exaggeration not Dore's or Hugo's even could have made more over- whelming in its onset or more deadly."- Daily Chronicle. " Whether it be a speaking drawing of a road liable to be shelled, or a V.A.D. rest station, or German prisoners coming down from the front, or, again, the finished sketch of Amiens Cathedral with the aeroplanes round the spire, or a hospital ship scene at the quayside, all give a permanent impression of war scenes and war conditions which can hardly be too highly commended. ' ' Bookseller. " Among the little aristocracy of war pictures, destined to have permanent value both as history and as art, must certainly be placed the drawings of Mr. Muirhead Bone." Coventry Herald. "The Work grows on us." Liverpool Post. ' In selecting Mr. Muirhead Bone for the task of depicting the varied scenes of activity on the British Front in France and Flanders, the Government have shown a very wise choice, which has been justified by the excellent series of drawings now being published." Broad Arrow. " It cannot be too strongly said that no mere photographic record can ever approach the great work Mr. Bone is doing in these sketches. M onirose Standard." " The Series will certainly be greatly prized." Army and Navy Gazette. " An eloquent pencil, a dashing stroke, guided by a dis- cerning brain, and the art of perspective are the requisites for a successful portrayal of the varied scenes of every battle- field, and these qualities Mr. Bone possesses to admiration." Aberdeen Journal. " Of all the records of the war up to date this publication alone conveys something of the impressiveness that fighting on the present scale might be expected to give." Manchester Weekly Times. " Mr. Bone's work was needed. Now that I have seen his picture books I know more about the war. A poet with a line of verse, a cunning draughtsman with a few strokes of the pencil on paper, can tell you what you will never learn from Blue Books and histories. I begin to understand this tremendous war." The Londoner in the Evening News. " Among the drawings are some of extraordinary power and interest made by the artist in British munition factories. " Westminster Gazette . " Dozens of Artists have drawn ships. Mr. Bone has inter- preted them. He has done the Fleet a great service in bringing it thus intimately to the Landsmen. The drawings will rank for all time among the world's greatest treasures in nautical art." Country Life. " Will take a foremost place among the permanent records of the war." Manchester Guardian. " Mr. Bone has the eye to see, the imagination to realise, and the hand to present." The Times. Mr. Muirhead Bone's drawings are reproduced in the following form, apart from " The Western Front " publication : WAR DRAWINGS Size 20 by 15 inches. Ten plates in each part, 10/6 net. MUNITION DRAWINGS Size 31^ by 22 inches. Six plates in portfolio, 20/- net. WITH THE GRAND FLEET Size 31 by 22 inches. Six plates in portfolio, 20/- net. " TANKS " Size 28 by 20^ inches. Single plate, 5/- net. Further particulars of these publications will be sent on application to "COUNTRY LIFE," LTD., 9( Tntrictrvnt Stivot P/vtrcnt flan-Ion T rtnrlnn W f 1 >