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Gent v. State

I intend to make pay off.' Insultingly she cupped her hands under her breasts."

From Cavalcade, "The Wrong Chimney:"

"'Shh,' she murmured.

"She lifted his hand to cup her full breast, and turned a bit, her eyes closed, lifting her face to kiss him on the mouth, her rich lips parted. His hand felt her warm softness and moved of itself, amorously, his other hand automatically reached behind her, caressing, his mouth felt her warm lips and the tip of a tongue going into his, darting, exploring.

"She drew her face back a little, breathing fast, her eyes still closed. He looked at the lovely features he'd dreamed of so often looking just this way, With the same eager, surrendering expression, and reached for her again.

"'You were late,' she said softly. 'I was afraid . . . Don . . . '

"She stopped talking as her mouth again met his. Then it penetrated . . . Don, she'd said. He started to draw back but he couldn't, he wanted her too much. He raised his hand a little to the back of her proud lovely neck and kept her mouth pressed to him. Then he thought . . . polite . . . proper . . . courteous . . . an officer and a gentleman, and pulled his seeking lips from her eager mouth.

"'Hurry,' she said, her eyes still closed. 'We only have a few minutes.'"

We recognize that articles, or stories (and pictures) dealing with sex are not necessarily obscene. The material only becomes obscene when it deals with sex in a manner appealing to prurient interest. Of course, there are frequently pictures or drawings in health and art magazines, which might be said to deal with sex, but such magazines would not be considered obscene, because their dominant theme relates to health or art. In Lock-