Page:Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man.djvu/365

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erratic blocks; the whole mass varying from forty to a hundred feet in thickness, but this only in a few spots.

The angularity of many of the blocks in Nos. 3 and 4, and the glaciated surfaces of others, and the transportation from a distance attested by their crystalline nature, proves them to belong to the northern drift or glacial period.

It will be seen that the four subdivisions 2, 3, 4, and 5, begin to rise at b, fig. 47, and that at c, where the cliff is 180 feet high, there is a sharp flexure shared equally by the chalk and the incumbent drift. Between d and g, fig. 48, we observe a great fracture in the rocks with synclinal and anticlinal folds, exhibited in cliffs nearly 300 feet high, the drift beds participating in all the bendings of the chalk; that is to say, the three lower members of the drift, including No. 2, which, at the point s in this diagram, contains the shells of recent species before alluded to.

Near the northern end of the Möens Klint, at a place called 'Taler,' more than 300 feet high, are seen similar folds, so sharp that there is an appearance of four distinct alternations of the glacial and cretaceous formations in vertical or highly inclined beds; the chalk at one point bending over, so that the position of all the beds is reversed.

But the most wonderful shiftings and faultings of the beds are observable in the Dronningestol, part of the same cliff, 400 feet in perpendicular height, where, as shown in fig. 49 (p. 346), the drift is thoroughly entangled and mixed up with the dislocated chalk.

If we follow the lines of fault, we may see, says M. Puggaard, along the planes of contact of the shifted beds, the marks of polishing and rubbing, which the chalk flints have undergone, as have many stones in the gravel of the drift, and some of these have also been forced into the soft chalk. The manner in which the top of some of the arches of bent chalk have been cut off in this and several adjoining sections, attests the