Page:George Archdall Reid 1896 The present evolution of man.djvu/387

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THE CLAIMS OF CHRISTIANITY. By W.S. Lilly. Demy 8vo, 12s.

The Times says:—"Mr. W. S. Lilly is a writer who brings a powerful and subtle intellect trained in speculative inquiries, instinct with the historical spirit, and endowed with keen dialectical aptitudes, to the exposition of the claims of the Church of Rome on the intellectual and spiritual allegiance of mankind.... Few will deny either the speculative and historical insight or the dialectical skill with which they are advanced."

ON SHIBBOLETHS. By W.S. Lilly. Demy 8vo, 12s.

The National Observer says:—"With that unerring touch of his, Mr. Lilly probes the encrustations of 'cant' surrounding these ideas, and reveals, in that clear, nervous English whereof he is now an acknowledged master, those unshakable pillars of political truth which maintain the social fabric. It is a book to make the reader pause and think; and, although it deals with the most serious matters, its bracing tone keeps him always on the alert. In a word, it is a book to be pondered as well as read."

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The Saturday Review says:—"With characteristic vigour and clearness, he [Mr. Lilly] sets forth the faith that is in him. His outlines of 'Rational Ethics' define free will as man's distinctive endowment; morality as the deliberate self-submission to duty, and duty itself as the ethically necessary. He refers moral obligation, not to experience, but to reason, and succinctly describes the rule of ethics as 'the natural and permanent revelation of reason.'"

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CHAPTERS IN EUROPEAN HISTORY. With an Introductory Dialogue on the Philosophy of History. By W.S. Lilly. Two Yols. Demy 8vo, 21s.

The Times says:—"These volumes of Mr. Lilly's are delightful reading, whether he compels our assent to his conclusions or provokes us to doubt and differ from them. For they are full of pregnant and suggestive thoughts; we might almost add of subtly ingenious sophistries. He is always original, and very often brilliant. There are pages of fervidly impassioned eloquence, and passages in which striking scenes are reproduced with wonderfully realistic dramatic power. We can only repeat that his volumes are charming, while they should be invaluable as an incentive to intellectual research."

ANCIENT RELIGION AND MODERN THOUGHT. By W.S. Lilly. Third Edition. Demy 8vo, 12s.

The St. James's Gazette says:—"No intelligent reader will fail to recognize the ability with which Mr. Lilly deals with the great problems he discusses. He has taken pains to appreciate the full significance of the arguments which can be advanced against his own position; and in answering them he manifests not only much ingenuity and resource, but intimate acquaintance with the writings of many of the most eminent philosophical writers, both of ancient and of modern times. The results of his thought and research he presents simply and gracefully; and there is nothing in the form of his statements to which the most vehement of Agnostics could object as either intolerant or unfair."

London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited.