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handsome expresses it so well as pretty. It seems a shame to waste such a face on a man."

"From what I have observed this evening, it does not seem to be entirely wasted!"

"Now, you know from the past, Ethel, that a handsome face does not effect me in the least unless there is character with it. But Mr. Fleming is certainly one of the most pleasing young men I have met for a long time. What do you think of him?"

"Well, I have known him for more than a month now, and I think he is the best boy I ever knew; he seems to be disgusted with the conduct of the average man, and the way he treats us girls borders on reverence. But as for myself, you know the very good boys never did appeal to me very much. I like men with 'a past'!"

"That is where we have always differed," replied Mercedes, with the faintest trace of contempt in her voice. "You may as well tell me a woman with 'a past' is to be admired."

"But it always seems so different with men," replied Miss Barr, rather weakly.

During the next month Mercedes Morris and Joe Fleming met often, and a friendship sprung up which many of their acquaintances predicted would end in something dearer. Miss Morris had many admirers, but none seemed to be favored as was the brakeman-musician. One day Ethel Barr quizzed her about it,