Page:George Collins - A Strange Railroad Wreck.pdf/52

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in an effort to find the injuries, when he suddenly stopped and said to those about him:

"Why, this is a woman!"

"What!" exclaimed Conductor Long, excitedly. "Why, that boy has been braking on this road for months! Will he die, doctor?"

The physician had resumed his examination. Turning the form over, he saw a frightful wound in the back; after a moment he looked up and answered the conductor's question:

"She cannot live many minutes!"

The doctor was correct, for the person known as Joe Fleming died in twenty minutes—before the accident report had been sent—died without a sound. And those who saw the end thought the secret of her life had died with her, but when the trunk at Mrs. Barr's was opened by keys found on the dead girl's clothing, the strange looking iron box came to view: and in this a large envelope addressed to "Miss Mercedes Morris, Unionville, Pa." It was taken to Mercedes; but the girl, hopelessly insane, could not understand its import, so her mother opened the packet:

"To the Dearest Girl on Earth: "If your eyes ever fall on these lines, I shall either be far away from this country or—in my grave. After I tell you the secret of my life, try to forgive me the pain I have caused you. From the time we first met there has been something so strangely attractive about you that I could never explain It to myself. I wanted to be near