Page:George Douglas Howard Cole - Guild Socialism Re-Stated (1920).djvu/245

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THE BURIED TORCH, by Coralie Stanton and Heath Hasten.

Daily Mail.—“ It is a capital example of story-telling in which sensation is blended with the study of a soul.”

Liverpool Post.—“ . . . should certainly please a wide public.”

The Gentlewoman.—“ . . . skilfully prepared.”

Irish Life.—“ ... A real, gripping, live story.”


Land and Water.—“ The publishers state that they feel it ‘will bring the author into the front rank of popular novelists.’ I am bound to say it probably will . . . Mrs. Florence L. Barclay ana Miss Ethel M. Dell have cause to tremble.”

Glasgow Evening News.—“ Miss Nora Kent promisingly enters the ranks of novelists ...”

MIRIAM AND THE PHILISTINES, by Alice Clayton Greene.

Westminster Gazette.—“Cleverly drawn.”

Pall Mall Gazette.—“ Excellently drawn.”

Daily Chronicle.—“Those of my readers who like a thoroughly good story of stage life will enjoy following Miriam’s adventures.”

SIDE ISSUES, by Jeffery E. Jeffery (author of “Servants of the Guns”), 6/- net.

Times.—“ The opinions of the book are well thought out and expressed very clearly.”

The Evening Standard.—“ Mr. Jeffery’s very notable book.”

The Star.—“ The stories . . . are very good indeed.”

The British Weekly.—“ A book well worth reading.”

Portugal Street Kingsway, London