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Extracts from Jteviewt of Jlottisclife — continued.

Home ISTews.

"A son of the late Professor FeiTier. a grandnepbew of Miss Fer- rier, and a grandson of Christopher North, the author may be said to inherit by risfht of birth the literary faculty- displayed in the pages of tliis thoroughly entertaining: stor>'. Marks of culture are everywhere visible. . . . There is abundance of acitoinplished excellence in

  • Mottisclifle.' and there is the sure promise of better thinqs yet to

come from Mr Ferriers pen."

Belfast irorthern Whi?.

" The style is fresh and >i!;corou8, the characters are well drawn and unconventional, and the gi-ouping is artistic and eilcctive. . . • The story is alto-rether thorouiriily enjoyable, and is tuU of promise for the literarv career of the writer."

Academy. " The delight of the book lies in a sort of laz^', Epicurean atmo- sphere, which wooingly pervades the reader as he advances from page to page. The lines have fallen to him in pleasant places, and every one around him is content."

Aberdeen Free Press.

" No brighter or more genial book of the season can fall into the

hands of holiday readers than ' Mottiscliffe/ and no one will lay it

down without a wish to renew his acquaintance with the author at no

distant date."

Oxford TTniversitj Herald.

  • ' There is talent in it which will be recognised, and the recognition

will remain when many of the fashionable novels of the present day are forgotten."


    • The principal figure in the piece. Sir Valentine Ormathwaite, a

handsome and well-preserved gentleman of sixty-four, witty, good- natured, and easy-going to the tips of his fingers, is dra^vn with singular excellence, and stiikes us as altogether a fresh conception."

DnmMes Herald.

" Seriously, * Mottiscliflfe ' is a charming book, fidl of a light, lam- bent humour, and a buoyant good temper that are infectious."

Westminster Beyiew.

'* The writer possesses a much larger stock of what may be called literary information than most novelists."

WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh and London.