concert halls, especially on Sundays, when it
would appear as if all the musical and dramatic
talent of Russia was enlisted for the purpose
of giving entertainment and pleasure to the
children. Nowhere else in the world is more
done for children, no other children in the
world enjoy dancing and singing more than
these young Russians, it seems to be in their
blood very soon they get to know the names
of dancers, singers and actors, and applaud
and cheer them with as much zest and vigour
as older people.
It would be a mistake to think that theatres are used only for amusement : they are also used for educational purposes. So far, cinemas are not much used owing to shortage of materials. There are great difficulties to be overcome before the “ movies ” are used as in other countries. When these difficulties are removed by the establishment of trade relationships with the outside world, the moving picture will be utilised to the very fullest extent for amusement and education. The story of humanity will be told in pictures, and heroic deeds recorded. There will, however, be no glorification of bloodshed and violence : no appeal to race or religious bigotry and hatred : the cinema will be used to teach citizenship and love of humanity.
There are creches, boarding schools, villages and townships all devoted to children :