towards the teachers and the teachers towards
the children could fail to realise that much,
very much of the work was a labour of love.
The children were proud to sing, recite and
dance and the teachers proud of their pupils.
In all schools we were greeted with what is
now the “ National Anthem ”—“ The International.” Sometimes it was pathetic to look
at these little ones straining their childish voices
trying to impress us with the words,
Then, comrades, come rally,
The last fight let us face,
The Internationale
Unites the human race.”
Whatever else may be slurred over, I am sure the meaning of these words is quite thoroughly explained and understood by the children who sing them.
At one school which I visited in company with several other Press representatives, we were entertained by singing, dancing and reciting. Amongst other things sung were some nursery rhymes and folk songs with dances. Although none of us understood the language we soon caught the tunes and now and then a word. Being as much a child as any of them I suddenly thought I would like to join in a game which consisted of dancing round