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I swear, at the first call of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Government, to come to the defence of the Soviet Republic against all perils and attacks by any of its foes, and, in battle for the Russian Soviet Republic, for the work of Socialism and the brotherhood of the peoples, to spare neither my energies nor my life itself.
If by malicious intent I break this my solemn promise, then may universal contempt be my lot, and may I be punished by the stern hand of the revolutionary law.
Since my return to England there has been much discussion in Socialist and Labour cireles on the question of violence and the Third International. I discussed both these pomts with Lenin rather fully. He knows I am a pacifist and said to me; “ You are a Christian, I am not ; I am an Atheist. You think you can accomplish the revolution without violence, I think you will not be able to do so. If in England you are able to do this, well and good. No one wants bloodshed merely for bloodshed’s sake, but it is neces-