Page:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu/230

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 [f 3. When א begins a syllable (consequently before afformatives which consist of or begin with a vowel, as well as before suffixes) it is necessarily a firm consonant, and the form then follows the analogy of the strong verb, e.g. מָֽצְאָה māṣeʿā, מָֽצְאוּ, &c. (in pause מָצָ֫אָה, מָצָ֫אוּ).


 [g 1. Verbs middle e, like מָלֵא to be full, retain the Ṣere also in the other persons of the perfect, e.g. מָלֵ֫אתִי (מְלָאוֹ Est 7 has ־ָ owing to its transitive use; for יְרָאתֶם Jos 4 read with Ewald יִרְאָתָם). Instead of מָֽצְאָה the form קָרָאת she names, on the analogy of the ל״ה-forms noticed in § 75 m, occurs in Is 7 (from קָֽרְאַת, cf. § 44 f), and with a different meaning (it befalls) in Dt 31, Jer 44, in both places before א, and hence, probably, to avoid a hiatus (on the other hand, וְחָטָאת Ex 5, could only be the and sing. masc.; the text which is evidently corrupt should probably be emended to וְחָטָאתָ לְעַמֶּ֫ךָ with the LXX); in Niphʿal נִפְלָאת ψ 118; in Hophʿal הֻבָאת Gn 33.—The 2nd fem. sing. is written קָרָאתְ by Baer, Gen 16, &c., according to early MSS.

 [h 2. The infin. Qal occurs sometimes on the analogy of verbs ל״ה (גְּלוֹת, &c., see § 75 nn) in the feminine form; so always מְלֹאת to fill (as distinguished from מְלֹא fullness), Lv 8, 12, 25, Jer 29, Ez 5, also written מְלֹאות Jer 25, Jb 20, &c., and מְלוֹאת Est 1. Cf. further, קְרֹאת Ju 8; שְׂנֹאת Pr 8; before suffixes, Ez 33, and likewise in Niph. Zc 13; also in Piʿēl לְמַלֹּאת Ex 31, 35, or לְמַלּאוֹת Dn 9, &c. Kethîbh; with suffix 2 S 21.—On the (aramaïzing) infinitives מַשָּׁא and מַשְׂאוֹת, see § 45 e; on לִקְרַאת obviam, § 19 k.—בְּמֹצַֽאֲכֶם when ye find, Gn 32, stands, according to § 93 q, for מָצְאֲכֶם. The tone of the lengthened imperative רְפָאָ֫ה ψ 41 as Mileraʿ (before נַפְשִׁי) is to be explained on rhythmical grounds; cf. the analogous cases in § 72 s.—The and fem. plur. imperative in Ru 1 has, according to Qimḥi, the form מְצֵ֫אןָ and in verse 20 קְרֵ֫אןָ; on the other hand, the Mantua edition and Ginsburg, on good authority, read מְצֶאןָ, קְרֶאןָ.

 [i 3. The participle fem. is commonly contracted, e.g. מֹצְאת (for מֹצֶ֫אֶת) 2 S 18, cf. Est 2; so Niphʿal נִפְלְאה Dt 30, Zc 5 (but נִשָּׂאָת Is 30), and Hophʿal, Gn 38; less frequent forms are מֽוֹצְאֵת Ct 8; נֽשְֹׁאֵת 1 K 10 (cf. § 76 b, שְׂאֵת beside לָשֵׂאת as infinitive construct from נָשָׂא) and without א (see k) יוֹצְת (from יָצָא) Dt 28. In the forms חֹטִאים sinning, 1 S 14, cf. ψ 99; בֹּדָאם feigning them, Neh 6, the א is elided, and is only retained orthographically (§ 23 c) after the retraction of its vowel; see the analogous cases in § 75 oo.—On the plur. masc. ptcp. Niph. cf. § 93 oo.

 [k 4. Frequently an א which is quiescent is omitted in writing (§ 23 f): (a) in the middle of the word, e.g. בָּ֫נוּ 1 S 25; מָצָ֫תִי Nu 11, cf. Jb 1; צָמֵ֫תִי Ju 4, cf. Jb 32. In the imperfect תִּשֶּׂ֫נָה Jer 9, Zc 5, Ru 1 (but the same form occurs with Yôdh pleonastic after the manner of verbs ל״ה in Ez 23, according to the common reading; cf. § 76 b and Jer 50); in Piʿēl אַחַטֶּ֫נָּה (after elision of the א, cf. § 75 oo ) Gn 31; and also in Niphʿal נִטְמֵתֶם Lv 11; cf. Jos 2. (b) at the end of the word; וַיָּבוֹ 1 K 12 Kethîbh; Hiphʿîl הֶֽחֱטִי 2 K 13, cf. Is 53 (הֶֽחֱלִי for הֶֽחֱלִיא perfect Hiphʿîl of חָלָה formed