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Page:Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar (1910 Kautzsch-Cowley edition).djvu/533

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Accusative of the Pronoun, or Suffixum Verbi. Genitive of the Pronoun, or Suffixum Nominis (Pron. posessivum).
B. A. B.
With Nûn energicum. Attached to a sing. noun. Attached to a noun plur. or dual.
־ַ֫ נִּי; ־ֶ֫ נִּי my (prop. gen. ־ִי my. ־ַי
־ֶ֫ ךָּ, (־ֶ֫ נָךָּ) thy ךָ, אְךָ, in thy. ־ֶ֫ יךָ
(prop. pause ־ֶ֫ ךָ
not found. tui). ךְ, ־ֵךְ, (־ָךְ) ־ַ֫ יִךְ
(־ֶ֫ נָהוּ), ־ֶ֫ נּוּ; (נוֹ) his (eius הוּ, ו; ־ֵ֫ הוּ, וֹ (הׄ) his. ־ָיו, ־ָו, (־ֵ֫ יהוּ*)
and suus).
־ֶ֫ נָּה her. הָ; ־ָהּ; ־ֶ֫ הָ her. ־ֶ֫ יהָ
־ֶ֫ נּוּ ? (see § 58 k) our. נוּ; ־ֵ֫ נוּ; (־ָ֫ נוּ) our. ־ֵ֫ ינוּ
these forms are your. כֶם; ־ְכֶם your. ־ֵיכֶם
not found. כֶן; ־ְכֶן ־ֵיכֶן
their. הֶם; ־ָם, their. ־ֵיהֶם, ־ֵ֫ ימוֹ*
־ָ֫ מוֹ*
הֶן, הֵן, ־ָן ־ֵיהֶן