Outlines of the Tales.
XC. How a certain inheritance was divided between two brothers163 XCI. Story of the three slothful men163 XCII. How, of two serpents found near a king's castle, the male was killed and not the female165 XCIII. How the two sons of a certain lord went abroad to study, and what befel when they returned165 XCIV. How a king's daughter became a leper, but subsequently recovered166 XCV. How Constantine assisted the Romans168 XCVI. How King Alexander forgave all criminals who confessed their crime before a candle burnt out168 XCVII. How the Romans made a statue of Julius Cæsar169 XCVIII. A custom of the Romans when besieging a town170 XCIX. How a knight assisted a serpent against a toad, and was in turn assisted by it170 C. How a woman escaped the penalty of adultery171 CI. Story of Ganter, who sought a kingdom172 CII. How a necromancer would by magic have done to death a certain noble knight, but was himself slain through the skill of a learned man174 CIII. How the Emperor Domitian bought three wise maxims from a merchant, and found great profit therein177 CIV. How a knight rendered a service to a lion and was himself benefited in return180 CV. Story of the bell of Justice182 CVI. Story of three travellers who had one loaf between them184 CVII. How a certain subtle clerk of Rome discovered a subterranean palace, and through rashness perished therein185 CVIII. How two thieves made good their promises to one another187 CIX. How a certain avaricious carpenter lost his treasure189