Page:Gillespies Beach Beginnings • Alexander (2010).pdf/4

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Coast. Because of the great Irish potato famine beginning in 1846/1847 which continued for almost five years, many migrants coming to New Zealand exchanged one set of hardships for another, but here they had opportunities to acquire land which they would never have had, had they remained in Ireland.

Today, those of us in the twilight of our years can still recall first-hand memories of our New Zealand born grand-parents, the offspring of the original gold-seeking pioneers. Before we too, disappear into the mist of yesterdays, it is timely to add another contribution to their story and fill in some of the gaps. The photographs herein have originated over time within the circles of kith, kin and local residents in South Westland and I extend hearty thanks to all those who have been of assistance in providing requested material. Should museums now claim copyright of any one photo due to later acquisition, with original ownership becoming blurred, any infringement is unintentional.

Vonnie Alexander