Page:Ginzburg - The Legends of the Jews - Volume 7.djvu/17

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Aaron comforts the Messiah, I., 23

Aaron, breastplate of, the 12 stones of, II., 31

Aaron, one of the three leaders of Israel, II., 61

Aaron died by a kiss from the Shekinah, II., 148

Aaron, the corpse of, not ravaged by worms, II., 148

Aaron, one of the prophets, II., 188, 283, 323, 329; III., 121, 429; V., 421

Aaron rebuked Israel in Egypt for worshiping idols, II., 188; III., 457; V., 379

Aaron, Job contrasted with, II., 226

Aaron, the etymology of the name of, 11., 261; V.. 396; VI., 223

Aaron as high priest, II., 253, 263, 328; III., 167, 187, 286, 288-289, 293, 294, 296, 303, 304, 306, 307, 328; V. , 422; VI., 74, 77. 106

Aaron, priesthood of. Korah denied the divine origin of, III., 289; VI.. 101

Aaron danced at the re-marriage of Amram, II., 262

Aaron, weeping of, II., 267

Aaron called Moses Abi-zanoah, II., 269

Aaron, the leader of Israel in Egypt, 11., 283; V., 407

Aaron bore the Urim and Thummim on his breast, II., 329

Aaron, the virtues of. II., 329; III., 168, 180, 183, 189, 210, 316, 324, 328, 334; VI. , 97, 81, 113

Aaron, Moses taught the Ineffable Name to, II.. 330

Aaron performed miracles, II., 341

Aaron, three of the Egyptian plagues inflicted by, II., 341, 348, 349, 351;

Aaron, revelations from God to, details concerning, II., 341; III., 79, 108, 210, 216, 256; V., 426; VI., 45, 75, 77, 79

Aaron at the left hand of God, II., 362

Aaron laid aside an earthen vessel full of manna before the Ark, III., 48

Aaron, prince of the tribe of Levi, 111. . 60; III 306, 457; VI., 25

Aaron, Jethro welcomed by, III., 64

Aaron assisted Moses in judging Israel, 111., 68

Aaron compared to the moon. III., 75

Aaron, Golden Calf made by, details concerning, III., 121, 123-4, 168, 306, 323; VI., 51, 68

Aaron, one of the seven pious in the time of Moses, III., 134; IV., 158; V., 12

Aaron instructed by Moses in the Torah, III., 144

Aaron, eight priestly garments of, III., 168, 322

Aaron, beard of, III., 179

Aaron quieted by a heavenly voice, III., 179

Aaron distinguished by God on Sinai, III., 182

Aaron, installation of, into office, III., 182-3, 210

Aaron frightened by the horned altar, III., 183

Aaron, priestly blessing bestowed upon Israel by. III., 184

Aaron, Elisheba the wife of, III., 187; V., 258, 393; VI., 210

Aaron acknowledged the justice of God, III., 190, 215, 314, 325; VI., 111, 112

Aaron could not take part in the burial of his sons, III., 190

Aaron corrected Moses when he forgot the law, III., 192

Aaron, Moses commanded to tell certain laws to, III., 192

Aaron, gigantic strength of, III., 212

Aaron consecrated the Levites, III., 212