Page:Girl I left behind me.pdf/2

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I Am loneſome ſince I croſs’d the hills,
and over the moors that tire me,
With heavy thoughts my heart doth fill,
ſince firſt I parted with Betſey;
In ſearch of ſome one fine and gay,
ſeveral doth remind me
Of the bleſt hours I paſs’d away,
though I left her behind me.

The hours I do remember well,
when recollection takes me,
A pain within my breaſt I feel,
ſince firſt ſhe own’d to love me
But now I am gone to Brighton camp,
kind heaven pray now guide me,
And ſend me ſafely home again,
to the girl I left behind me.

Her golden hair in ringlets fair,
her eyes like diamonds ſhining,
Her ſlender waiſt and carriage chaſte,
left me poor ſwain! a piņing;
But let the night be e’er ſo dark,
or e’er ſo wet or windy,
I will return ſafe back again,
to the girl I left behind me.

But when I am ſtanding on parade,
either aſleep or waking,
I long to ſee my love again,
for her my heart is breaking:
When I think of the vows of love,
the tears doth fall and blind me,
When I think of the virtuous grace,