Page:Gissing - The Nether World, vol. II, 1889.djvu/93

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than I can say to find you so easy in your old age. Neither Mike nor me did our duty by you, that’s only too sure. I wish I could have the time back again; but what’s the good of that? Can you tell me anything about Mike?”

“Yes. He died in Australia, about four years ago.”

“Did he now? Well, I’ve been in America, but I never got so far as Australia. So Mike’s dead, is he? I hope he had better luck than me.

The old man did not cease from examining his son’s countenance.

“What is your position at present?" he asked, after a pause. “You don’t look unprosperous.”

“Nothing to boast of, father. I’ve gone through all kinds of trades. In the States I both made and lost money. I invented a new method of nickel-plating, but it did me no good, and then I gave up that line altogether. Since I’ve been back in England,—two years about,—I’ve mostly gone in for canvassing,