And Satan said: Tell me, how do you likeThe fruit on the nice, tall, blooming treeStanding in the middle of the garden?And Eve said:That's the forbidden fruit,Which if we eat we die.
And Satan laughed a devilish little laugh,And he said to the woman: God's fooling you, Eve;That's the sweetest fruit in the garden.I know you can eat that forbidden fruit,And I know that you will not die.
And Eve looked at the forbidden fruit,And it was red and ripe and juicy.And Eve took a taste, and she offered it to Adam,And Adam wasn't able to refuse;So he took a bite, and they both sat downAnd ate the forbidden fruit.—Back there, six thousand years ago,Man first fell by woman—Lord, and he's doing the same today.
And that's how sin got into this world.And man, as he multiplied on the earth,Increased in wickedness and sin.He went on down from sin to sin,From wickedness to wickedness,Murder and lust and violence,All kinds of fornications,Till the earth was corrupt and rotten with flesh,An abomination in God's sight.