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Gods Eye from Heaven.

are like the starres that shine brighstte in the darkest night. Q. Elizabeth, when she was lockt up in close prison, at first she was daunted, but afterward She brake forth into this speech, The skill of a Pilot, is unknown but in a tempest; the valour of a Captain is unseen but in a battel, and the worth of a Christian doth not appear but in time of tryal and temptation. We read, Deut. 8.2. God led his people through the wilderness to humble them, and to prove them. God knew before, but he would make themselves and others to know. Now having showed you the many calamities and afflictions that have followed, and have been laid upon his Church and People, and how Gods hand of providence and mercie hath led them through all their troubles, and you see how patiently they took all their sufferings, and did as it were glory in the Crosse of Christ, and not like many in these times, that if any loss or calamities fall upon them, it may be in their estates or imprisonment, areready