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Gods Eye from Heaven.

care, Gods Eye sees that his hand will punish in this Nation without repentance. Can you account yourselves the children of God that delight in pride? No, his children are cloathed with humility. It was the example of our Saviour and his Apostles, if you will follow him you must be humble & meek. Can you delight in covetousnesse, and be his Disciples?. Remember Judas; who sold his Master for thirty pieces. How many Judases have there been and are now that will do the like? The young man in the Gospel was content to follow Christ till he bid him sel all that he had and follow him: I, but he had rather part from Christ, then part from his estate: So there are many since these times began, that have gotten such great estates, that they had rather get more then sell those they have to follow him, though they venture soul and body for them; but if a man gain an estate, a kingdome, nay the whole world, and lose his soul, his lose is greater then his gain, and little plea-sure