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God Help Kentucky!


Lord from thy heavenly throne
Thy holy will be done;
God help Kentucky!
Teach us true liberty,
Make us from tyrants free;
Let our homes happy be,
God help Kentucky!

The wiles of Lincoln’s men,
Do thou with might restrain,
God help Kentucky!
Help thou when power doth press,
Aid thou in our distress;
Thou whose dread name we bless,
God help Kentucky!

Give us staunch honesty,
Let our pride manly be;
God help Kentucky!
Help us to hold the right,
Give us both truth and might—
Lord of all life and light,
God help Kentucky!

Give us the power to stand,
Firm for our native land;
God save Kentucky!
Drive with thy Almighty power
The invaders from our door,
Let them be seen no more,
God save Kentucky!