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mand and made a competence by selling to the "heathen" the pills of thy servant Cockle. Some other missionaries, however, have been less fortunate, and, by the "heathen," have been eaten raw and without salt. And, upon the whole, the thing has failed. I sometimes think thou hast given man up altogether as not worth any more "redeeming," as not even worth the trouble of erasing from the universe. If this be so, any figures in regard to Man would bore and irritate you. You used to do a good deal of figuring over him at one time; even the hairs of his head were all numbered. Even if you have given up counting his hairs, the following few figures in regard to him may possibly be of interest to you. The figures are by one of your own hired servants, by Bishop Fisher, and may save you some trouble in making the calculation for yourself, for mankind are not easily counted—there are always so many of them from home, and so many of them in bed, and so many of them you are apt to mistake for apes and so many for pigs.

Bishop Fisher, in a recent paper, computes the human family of the world to be 1,450,000,000 of individuals,, and divides them as follows:— 860,000,000 are Pagan, comprising 600,000,000 of Brahmo-Buddhists, or Brahmans and Buddhists, 160,000,000 of unclassified Pagans, 100,000,000 Parsees, Confucianists, Shintoists, Jains, and other smaller Pagan sects; 410,000,000 are Christians, composed of 225,000,000 Roman Catholics, 75,000,000 of the Greek Church, and 110,000,000 Protestants; 180,000,000 Mohammedans; 8,000,000 Jews. The 860,000,000 of Pagans are found chiefly in Asia and Africa, and comprise 99-100ths of the population, with scattered millions in the Americas and islands of the sea. The 410,000,000 Christians constitute the body of Europe and nine-tenths of the Americas, with a few millions in Asia, Africa, and the islands. The Mohammedans are found chiefly in Asia and Africa. The Jews are scattered in all lands, without a home or country. The Greek Christians are mainly in European Russia, with a few millions in Asia and in the smaller principalities of South-Eastern Europe, extending into Africa. Western and Southern Europe is divided