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Her father ſaid, I have brought you your clothes,
And I’ll get the Bull for my amourous roſe.
Then he made the bargain with one, as they ſay,
To get the Bull made without longer delay.
Then unto the goldſmith the Lady ſhe went,
And privately told him her crafty intent;
Be ſure make it hollow, and fit to hold me,
With a door and three bolts within let there be.
Pray do it ingenious I charge you once more,
That no one may find out there is any door.
He ſaid. Worthy Lady, I’ll do it ſecure,
That no one may find out the trick to be ſure.
When the Bull was made ſhe appointed the day
With him to be joined, as the ſtory doth ſay.
He went towards the chapel. with her to be wed,
And ſhe had a comical trick in her head.
When come near the ceapel, her father to ſhun,
She ſaid, Pray excuſe me, for back I muſt run,
For to fetch a thing that I can’t be without.
This put her old father in great fear and doubt.
He ſaid, My dear, I am loath for to truſt
You for to go back now.—She ſaid. but I muſt;
And if I return not, next time you ſee me,
I freely will give you leave for to murder me.
Then he gave her leave, and in haſte back ſhe went,
But little thought he of her crafty intent.
She ſhut herſelf faſt in the Bull, and lay ſtill,
So faſt and ſecure, as a thief in a mill.
Her father he waited for two hours and more,
And finding ſhe came not, in a paſſion he ſwore;
Then about the court he enquiry made,
But no one could tell where his daughter was fled.
My impudent daughter has ſhun’d me, I ſee;
The Prince that was here, ſent choice preſents to me,
Therefore to requite him, I now do approve,
To ſend him this Bull as a preſent of love.