Page:Golden days of good Queen Bess (1).pdf/3

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Then our Ladies with large ruffs tied
round about the neck faſt,
Would gobble up a pound of
beef-ſtakes for their breakfaſt;
While a cloſe quil’d-up coif
their noddles juſt did fit, Sir,
And they truſs’d up as tight as a
rabbit for the ſpit, Sir. O’the golden, &c.

Then jerkins, and doublets, and
Yellow worſted hoſe, Sir,
With a huge pair of whiſkers,
was the dreſs of our beaux, Sir:
Strong beer they preferred
to claret, or to hock, Sir;
And no poultry they priz’d
like the wing of an ox, Sir. O the, &c.

Good neighbourhood then was as
plenty too as beef, Sir;
And the pooreſt from the rich
never wanted relief, Sir:
While merry went the mill-clack,
the ſhuttle and the plow, Sir,
And honeſt people could live by
the ſweet of their brow, Sir. O the, &c.

Then football, and wreſtling, and
pitching of the bar, Sir,
Were preferr’d to a flute, to a
fiddle, or guitar, Sir:
And for jaunting, and junketting,

the favourite regale, Sir,